This month’s blog is a bit different, as we have a video of Reilly over the last 4 weeks in her Intro Parent/Child class. Many 1st time parents ask us what is covered in the Parent/Child Classes, so here is your answer!
The Intro class, (and really, all our swim classes) are supposed to be fun! We sing songs, we play with toys and buckets and mats, and we introduce the water to these little guys in an enjoyable and relaxing way. All skills are done at the parent and the child’s own pace. Our Parent/Child Instructors work with the parents individually and will help you learn how to hold your child the right way to teach a back float or to roll over and tell you when they think your child is ready for going underwater or swimming a little more independently.
All of our classes build upon the ones previous and safety skills are also developed in each class. But the best part is the safe (and sterile) socialization for both parents and baby.
Sign ups for our Winter session will start on October 5th.
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